Monday, February 27, 2012

Labor Pains

The final stage is beginning. It may just be a few false starts but I can feel the moment I hold it in my hands is getting closer every day.

I so remember the countless preparations for a real baby. The  lists I checked and checked again to make sure everything was ready. Then suddenly the classes were completed, the nursery sat with fresh paint and toys, the shower gifts were all organized and even the thank-you cards were written. The months of anticipation were nearly over. It was just about time for the main event.

Maybe it is how an artist feels the final time a brush strikes a painting he or she has been working on for a long time. Maybe it is the way a construction team feels when the last nail is driven, or the final window hung in someone's dream house. Perhaps it is how the musician feels when the score seems just right or the ice hockey player feels when the puck sneaks right by the goalie. Maybe it is what it feels like to a game hunter who finally has bagged the big one.The feeling is awesome, overwhelming and amazing whenever we realize something we set out to accomplish has become a reality.

We start with a goal or and idea and after much trial and error, a good bit of anxiety,sometimes many snags, frequent sighs of relief and sometimes even stubborn refusals to quit we can see the end in sight. If you have a passion for or about something it takes a lot more than sweat and tears to make you cry wolf and just like any parent will tell you how the pain of birth is forgotten and so worth the product, whatever you have poured your heart and soul into completing will often have you feeling the same.

So the ride is beginning again for me;the adventure taking its final turn and the investment of time and energy is about to be completed...just a few more pains to go and FINDING YOUR FIRE will arrive. I can't wait. I am excited, nervous, worried, relieved and anxious to see what it will look like!

Everyone needs someone's support at a birth and I definitely need your help on this one. I would love your opinion on which cover you think this new "baby" should wear. So please assist me in choosing #1 or #2, because I can't do this without you.

And please share what you're creating and how far along you and your "baby" are.



You can vote and comment directly on this post or scroll to the end of the blog and vote on the left side. Thanks for your help!


  1. I like #2. Makes me feel like that one match, among all the others, has found its fire. And I want to be that match!

  2. Hi Kathy, I really like the cover, and I cast my ballot to the side. Actually, I think they are both good, but #2 seems more striking! I wish you well with the project. Looks like you're off to a sizzling start. Tim

  3. Hi Kathy, I really like the cover. Actually, I think they are both good, but #2 seems more striking! I wish you well with the project. Looks like you're off to a sizzling start. Tim

  4. I'm going with book cover #2!
    Great post, Kathy!
    Blessings and best of luck with your book!

  5. #2 for the reason Nathan stated. All the best with this project!

  6. I vote for number 2 - and I'd love to read this book. Sounds like exactly what I need. My "baby" is still in the "idea" stage but I think she is going to be a picture book. Best of luck in the final stages. I'm visiting you for the first time and love your blog.

    1. Things have been so crazy Carol, I am sorry for the late reply. Check back soon b/c the "birth" will be announced on this blog, and thank you

  7. Wow, congratulations on your new baby, Kathy! I pick #2. I don't have a "baby"... but I do love to write and someday I hope I will able to have one.

    All the best, Kathy! :-)

  8. Chanced upon your blog in Facebook and what a treat this is! I voted for the book cover. My baby is a social networking website I created called Social Potpourri. Its born but I am helping it grow, instilling in it all the values it need : )

  9. I am so very grateful to all of you for your comments. Nathan, Henry,Martha, Irene, Tim and Debby,Carol, Kriti many thanks.
    So wonderful to hear what some of you are doing and what stage your "baby" is in.
    Thanks again for the endearing compliments. Please sign up and follow regularly, perhaps as you grow you can offer other wisdom.
    Grateful for all of you

  10. #2... awesome cover. I 'birthed' a new website this past October, so I know how it is. good luck.

    1. Thank you so much! and many congrats on your "new" one as well.

  11. I like the photo on the top cover and the bold lettering on the bottom cover. You can't go wrong with either on.

    1. Thanks, Sutton, I appreciate your thoughts.
