Sunday, March 25, 2012


Boat reflection
Boat reflection (Photo credit: Jesper Hauge)
I can't swim well but I'm darn good at floating. I don't think I was ever supposed to be a great swimmer. My parents signed me up for swimming lessons when I was around 9, but I ended up with ringworm and the lessons ended before I was permitted back in the pool. I had taken two lessons and learned to float and paddle in some shallow water.

Then in college I was required to take swimming lessons to graduate, but the semester I was to have swimming, the pool needed repaired after the first class and still wasn't fixed nearly 6 weeks later. The University decided to make it a non -requirement for anyone scheduled for swimming that semester because it seemed ridiculous to hold up someone being able to graduate on the basis of not being able to swim. Again, the first week was doggie paddles and floating!
Sometimes I do wonder how I would fare in an emergency because I always am the one who has to know where the life preservers are. 

A young girl taking a break in a swimming pool...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Often we don't realize what we can or can't do well in life because we have only ever been "safe" in a routine situation. We wonder how we might do as a consultant, business owner, leader. We decide before we even try that we wouldn't be able to survive as an entrepreneur. We can't fathom what living without someone else signing a paycheck might be like or even test  the waters to see how we react. We never rock the boat so we really don't know what kind of swimmer we might be in an emergency. Maybe we assume we would need more support than we really would or be totally convinced our less than stellar skills will surely mean we'll drown. On the other hand, we might be so confident we never consider that even a great swimmer has some trouble in shark infested waters! There really is no way to know how you might perform if you don't rock the boat, tip it over and see if you float, swim, survive or drown. While it may not be a pretty picture; it most certainly is the blatant truth. You must experience the situation before you know for sure.

Considering I know I'm much better at floating than swimming, I have decided I need  to be sure I can survive in a pinch and have signed up for lessons at a local center. After all, I doubt many people in an emergency float their way to the shore and I have wondered too long how I would do when it really counts. So even if I thought I was never meant to be a swimmer, I need to know for sure it was not because I hadn't tried.
Swimming (Photo credit: MarkHaertl)

This weekend I participated in the CALLED WOMAN 2012 conference. Several people shared stories of how they learned to swim in life's less than predictable waters; some learned out of necessity, some out of choice but now they know they have what it takes to be successful even when waters are choppy and the boat tips over.
Energetic skilled young girl, this youngster f...
Sometimes it was messy floundering around trying to get their bearings, but I am sure they are not the least bit worried about "going under" no matter what. They know they can keep their head above water because they know what they are capable of doing when their boat tips.

Do you have something in your life you'd like to try but wonder if you would just sink or drown?

Does fear or lack of skill, resources or commitment stand in your way of finding out what you might be quite successful at? 

Do you need to rock your boat and tip it over and determine what you can do when you really have to?

ROCK YOUR BOAT...and stop wondering if you have what it takes.

UPDATE ON THE "BABY" STATUS...It's on the way. I doubt it will need to be induced. Bag is packed and waiting on "baby" to just arrive.(hopefully in less than 2 weeks)

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  1. Oh, a baby on the way! Wow! Now, that will definitely rock your boat, my dear!
    Such a great post here, full of inspiration and encouragement to just take that risk, to not be afraid. Just do it!
    I am going ahead with self-publishing my novel. Sink or swim. I have to do it.
    Hope you will post this on Blogplicity. Sharing is caring!
    Blessings and prayers!

    1. No, no "baby" but I have taken so long to write my last book, it has become my new "baby" and it should arrive it about 2 weeks!
      Real or not, a book does rock your boat! But it's a good kind of movement.
      So glad to hear about your new novel. Looks like you are among the ones who need to find out as well how well they do when they hit the water! I hope it will be an exhilarating journey.
      Thanks for your comment, Martha.

  2. Love your swimming analogy. Everyone has a swimming story no doubt. I took swimming lessons for the first time and was so short, I stood on my tip toes the whole time just to keep my nose above the water. A powerful incentive to learn quickly I will say...

    It was a terrific conference!!! Thanks for participating:)

    1. Lynne,
      You have dealt with a lot of trying to keep your nose above water and I must say, you have done an amazing job.
      I could think of no one I would have enjoyed more delivering the conference! The pleasure was all mine. Loved it!

  3. All you say is so very true, "rocking the boat", makes us uncomfortable. I have rocked the boat and I' am loving the journey, I am so glad I did.

    1. Jan,
      Thanks for your comment, your follow and being in the same boat! I'm grateful!

  4. Hi, Kathy! ~

    I learned to swim when I was 11 years old. I went to the beach with a friend's family, who were all very good swimmers -- like competitive swimmers. But, my parents had never let me go in water over my waist without a life-jacket on. I was embarrassed and felt like a baby so I didn't admit my lack of ability when my friend suggested we jump off the dock.

    Imagine my surprise when I jumped into the water and continued to sink but never touched the ground. I had never ever experienced that before! It scared me to death!!! So, I swam to save my life. And I've been a swimmer ever since.

    I think I'm probably a 'boat rocker' to the core and I've also been an entrepreneur for many years.

    Good luck with your swimming lessons -- I admire you for taking that step ;-)

    1. Love the boat rockers. Guess you can say we're all in the same boat all we have to do is start the rockin"
      Thanks for your comment and encouragement, Linda.

  5. Well, I can't swim too. I have felt fear and indecision so many times but, I think I have floated and sometimes rocked the boat too.

  6. I've tried to swim twice and failed, Kathy. However, I'm determined to give it another shot because I love the water. In life, I've been plunged in to situations that made me swim/float without preparation, but I'm glad to say, I survived!
    I'm so glad that your conference went well - was happy to read about it on Lynne's blog too.

  7. Kathy, I have never been one to get in the water and enjoy it. But, in life...that is a different story. I am a swimmer, a survivor. Everything I attempt in life, I make sure I swim. I may not be the best at my attempts, Lord knows I'm not perfect, but I certainly give it all I have and make sure that I don't 'sink'. Great post! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. We never know what we are capable of Mary, until we HAVE to try something less familiar. Trying is all you can do. Sounds like you are giving it your best and that is all anyone can aske.
      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
      I so appreciate it!

  8. Thanks, Corinne,
    The conference was sort of a rock your boat kind of experience as well but we had a fabulous time and with every new experience I am far less fearful of the "Water"!
    Thank you for your kind comment.
