Monday, March 25, 2013


This past weekend has been the culmination of a year of planning and preparing to share the spirit of resources and encouragement to other women entrepreneurs who have a dream or a passion and want to make it happen.

On Saturday, my colleagues Lynne Watts and Kim Wiggins joined me in hosting the 2nd. annual CALLED WOMAN CONFERENCE  and are still beaming from the wonderful  comments those who attended shared with us!

Our speakers shared not just their stories, suggestions and strategies but sometimes even their souls as everyone poured every effort into guiding those who want to make a dream a reality.

I watched total strangers hug, share tears and cheer each other on. I saw women who reported never being able to share in front of anyone, open up as though they had always done so. I witnessed individuals who had changed careers two, three, sometimes five times on their way to discover their true passion share their amazing stories but my words will never do justice, 
My colleague and sweet friend, Lynne Watts has already shared this story better than I ever could. To see the pictures and read more check it out here.

It was everything and more. We all learned something and became better people with a larger dream and a bigger vision because of what we shared.

Thank you Lynne and Kim and every wonderful woman who felt "called" to this conference.
There is something amazing about being among people who have discovered their fire, ignited it and now want you to be able to do the same.

How about you? Do you want a CALLED WOMAN CONFERENCE to come to your city and get your dreams ignited?

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