Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Six Word Memoir, Six Word Passion

I have accepted the challenge of a great group I participate in of fellow bloggers who decided to share our 6 Word Memoirs as part of a group blog hop. Thank you Suzy for introducing me and to Corinne who put this idea together.

The 6 Word Memoir stems from Ernest Hemmingways famous six word story: "For Sale...Baby Shoes, Never Worn." It's a huge challenge for most writers to pen fewer than more words and still have something of impact to say.

So here is mine:  I Am His Work In Progress

That pretty much sums up my life, still growing, learning, making the errors, asking forgiveness and starting again. Grateful for the God who lets me do this, repeatedly.

How about you?

I challenge all my readers to pen their 6 Word Memoir and their 6 Word Passion as well.

My 6 Word Passion would be: I Want To Make A Difference.

So share both of yours and visit Theresa as she shares her Memoir here.


  1. Oh thanks God, we always have something to look forward to. Great six word memoir to remember :)

    Lots of love Kathy!

  2. Thanks Martha and Melissa for your comments. Come on, ive it a try. What's YOUR 6 words.

  3. So true...will we see the completed work? :-) Nice.

    1. I sure hope you will see the completed work, Janu. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Wonderfully summed up - love your 6 word passion too.

    1. Suzy,
      Thanks for your time and for your kind words. Appreciate it.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, Jan, I think we all are a work in progress. Thank you for dropping by...VISIT OFTEN!!

  6. Beautiful. I'd like to think so, too, that God is molding me everyday to become a better person. And wonderful six-word passion, too! We should all strive to make a difference in this world! :-)

    1. Irene,
      Thank you so very kindly for stopping by and offering you kind words. I really appreciate it.

  7. Loved yours! There's always more to learn, to experience-no end to the depths the infinite offers us to explore!
