Monday, January 30, 2012


Embryon de 8 semaines. English: Embryo at 8 weeks.
Image via Wikipedia
  In a few weeks, I will be birthing another baby. Oh, this one won't actually require I make sure my health insurance is up to date, my doctor knows my medical history or even that I start saving for its college education. You see, in a few weeks, my new book will be published and although, I don't have to agonize about impending labor or whether I will choose to birth naturally or assisted with anesthesia, there is still the anxiety as to whether the "delivery" will go well, and the product be exactly as planned.

This is a
Image via Wikipedia
baby booty
Image by pinprick via Flickr
The birth of anything you create is much like having a baby. The idea forms and seems to take forever to get off the ground and become the product you really hope for. It is not without the unexpected feelings of overwhelming emotion, worry, anxiety, joy, panic, fear and satisfaction. You wonder what type of "parent" you will be. There is always some pain and sacrifice associated with the birth and it is most definitely not without stress, aches, and discomfort trying to move it in the direction it is meant to go. Some days you are impatient for it to just get here and other days you want more time to address every detail before its arrival.And just like a newborn, even once your idea is birthed, your business begun, your dream evolving, it will keep you up nights trying to decide how best to handle it. You will have moments of a love/hate relationship, wondering why God chose you and you will have moments of overwhelming pride in what you have created.

Baby nursery room
Image via Wikipedia
Perhaps, you too are having an inspirational baby or at least contemplating becoming a parent of an idea you have wanted to create for some time. You may be pondering a new direction for your life, thinking about something you want to finally jump into with both feet. Maybe you are going to be growing your own business, your own foundation, your own little family of ideas and you realize soon you too will have a new "baby" to call your own.
I can tell you as a business owner, even ideas are living and breathing and a business much like a child beckons for your attention, your time and your resources to grow it up appropriately and just like a child, it will be nearly impossible to let it go when the time comes for more branching out.

What about you? What stage of having a baby are you in? Have you been planning to have a "baby" for a long time or just recently thought about it? Have you already had your "baby" and are now a devoted parent and planning for an addition? Or, perhaps you are wondering if parenthood is really for you. I can honestly say, it has been the most rewarding time of my life for all of my creative endeavors, those with a living heart and soul who bear my name and even the ones who take on a life of their own once I spawn the thought. Creating is amazing, inspiring, exhausting and fulfilling...need I say more?

Newborn child, seconds after birth. The umbili...
Image via Wikipedia
So, like so many before me, I am having another "baby". I am excited, delighted and yes, a bit worried about how it will all turn out. Oh, and yes, of course, since I already know the kind of baby I am having, I have already picked out a name, "FINDING YOUR FIRE" and I hope you will be there in a few weeks when it makes its appearance in the world.


  1. I'm glad to meet you Kathy. I thought I was already following everyone's blog on the FB page, but apparently I was not. I'\m happy I will have to introduce you for the Blog tag. I love the fact that you compared the book to your baby because it is. I really loved that :)

  2. Never too late to make an acquaintance, Nikky. Glad you stopped in. Delighted to have you on board. Thanks for the kind words.
