Saturday, September 22, 2012

What's #1 on Your Bucket List?

 If you have ever seen the movie THE BUCKET LIST with Morgan Freeman, you might remember that his character who was dying of cancer decided to write his final desires which enticed his fellow roommate, played by Jack Nicholson to join him in adding a few items of his own before his own demise.

It's rather a shame to list those items which are meaningful to achieve in one's lifetime only when a crisis occurs or you feel that there is far too little time on the horizon. Why not encourage everyone to begin a bucket list as soon as they are old enough to realize what matters? If we begin a list early in life, we can always revise it, cross some things off we have achieved or believe are no longer important and add others which we are passionate about.

Maybe we should perhaps have a weekly or even daily bucket list review with some small steps encouraging us to pursue at least some morsel of the things we really want to do regularly. Do you want a new career? Then what are you doing now to save some money or invest some time in the pursuit of that goal? Want to build your dream house on a lake? Have you begun looking at potential places and cutting out pictures of what you hope you will have down the road? Do you want to raise your children with a sense of responsibility and purpose? Then have you taken the time to introduce them to another's needs? Or if they are even too young for that, have you assigned them specific chores they need to attend to without your constant nagging and reminders? Do you want to be the size you were in college? Have you committed to some daily exercise and limiting your sweet tooth? Do you hope to repair that relationship that has gone sour? Have you tried to write a letter or make a phone call and begin the steps to work things out?

Once you have a bucket list, then what you do seems to have meaning and purpose in attempting to achieve it,if you can direct your energies, and resources or time to realizing there is a means to an end. Even if you are no longer a youth, surely you still have some goals you really hope to accomplish in your lifetime and perhaps if you don't get to accomplish everything, if you leave your list as part of your legacy, someone you love will follow it through for you!

My bucket list? Well, I wanted to rescue more dogs and I now have and I wanted to get all my children within a 100 miles of where I live and this summer my son moved closer, and I wanted to earn my living writing and speaking and I have had an amazing adventure in that arena and well, I still want to see Bora Bora and Fiji and bike the entire Cape Cod Rail Trail and...

Making a bucket list might be an amazing way to discover your passion and find the fire that will start you in a direction you only hoped to someday go!


"Have you found joy in your life?" "Has your life brought joy to others?" From the movie, The Bucket List

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  1. Great idea, Kathy! I haven't made one, but think I'd like to give it a try. :)

  2. Good for you Martha. I can't wait to hear what is your #1 although I have to admit. The order of mine is not necessarily a rank of importance. Good Luck!

  3. I used to have many things on my bucket list. Now I just have one--wake up! This comes from my favorite Buddha story in which a passer by asked Buddha if he was a king or an angel. When Buddha said no and was asked what he was, he replied "I am awake."

    1. I love that thought, Galen! Go with the important things first. Thanks for stopping by.
