I realized I needed a better plan so I began to tackle one specific aspect such as "family vacation photos" and gave myself a specific amount of time to complete the task. Yes, I did get distracted once in awhile but more often I never really started. I would say, "after I write the blog article," or "clean the house", "start the laundry", "drive to the grocery store" etc. I might have had my "organizational plan" on my calendar but I also had many excuses up my sleeve.
I knew I was just procrastinating a job that needed done and my life would be easier when I put all the things in the place I truly wanted them. That's when I got down to business and put little else on my calendar until I addressed the project at hand...and now the photos are sorted, dated, organized into files, the articles are filed under topic, the folders of interview notes, suggestions and observations also are colored coded and filed and I am a far happier lady.
You see, we all do it. We all have 50 Shades of Delay when it comes to doing a task. It's not even about learning to eat the elephant one bite at a time as much as it's about finding a fork to start our repast.
Here are 50 reasons we often put off doing something. See if you can find your excuse in the mix.
Maybe you have even used one of these reasons for why you haven't yet started to make your PASSION HAPPEN.
"I'll get to it (when)...."
1. I have more time
2. I am less stressed
3. I am out of school
4. I get married
5. I figure out the rest of my life,
6. I pay off the debts
7. I have children
8. the children are all in school
9. the children have graduated
10. I have more energy
11. I am retired
12. I am in better shape
13. I get a sign from God
14. the house is paid off
15. it feels like the right time
16. I have more money
17. I know myself better
18. the product is perfect
19. the right guy/girl comes along
20. I leave my job
21. I settle down
22. I am more mature.
23. the kids leave home
24. I have more free time
25. the economy improves
26. I have more options
27. I'm 30, 40, 50 etc.
28. I get my bucket list written
29. I get my degree
30. I have more resources
31. someday
32. next year
33. my life is not so crazy
34. all the stars align
35. I finish the _____
36. I'm not tied down
37. my health improves
38. my job is not so demanding
39. the divorce is final
40. I have all the plans in place
41. I have no choice
42. the circumstances are different
43. if someone else goes first
44. after this other project is complete
45. in my golden years
46. before I die
47. I finally get all the things I need together
48. if I am fired
49. next week, month, year
50. tomorrow
We can make up a million reasons to delay things; even things we want.
There is something about simply getting started whether packing for an exciting trip, beginning an exercise program or organizing our "unorganized stuff' that often starts with one of the 50 SHADES OF DELAY.
What about you? Do you have another SHADE OF DELAY you have been guilty of using?
What are you putting off doing that you know you should have started YESTERDAY?
Have trouble reaching your goals? Join my good friend Lynne Watts for a FREE teleconference on goal setting. REGISTER HERE
Kathy Brunner is an Author, Speaker and Branding Specialist. If you would like to have her speak at one of your events, contact her HERE.Interested in a FREE 1/2 hr. consult to have Kathy help you uniquely brand a service or product? Contact Kathy HERE
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